- my feelings on football is a load of mad men well paid kicking a ball round the pitch as you can gather i don't like football at all this is not said to up set anyone on facebook its just how i fell about football the only sport i will watch is a bit not all of it is darts and golf and snooker saying that i can't play the game my self the last time i tried i ripet the table cloth with the snooker... cube i can't get the hang holding the cue properly but i don't mind watching it same with golf and darts im not a sport person as u can see thats me for you
i don't like any alcohol what so ever i dont drink
i don't smoke at all (non smoker)
i hate them not for me at all (the police do a grreat job in this matter (this is not said to up set anyone)
i do like collecting my models of vehicles
i like computers i can build a pc
my health is very poor i tired out very quickly and i find it very hard to walk im in a lot of pain most of the time with my back and leg like a balloon im asthmatic and diabetic mark two plus ear problems im completely death in the left ear my health is very poor
i don't like gardening at all my pet hate
i love all animals great and small yes i have a cat but i did say to all my family once he has gone im not replacing i meant it im not no im not a vegetarian i go by what the bible said all men will have dominion over all animals but i would not do it my self i would not have the heart but i will buy a chicken in a shop and eat it same with pork but yes i care all of them i know you would if i eat them how can you love them as i said i would not have the heart to do it my self i see it as more food in the shop not a living animal thats why
i hate voilence i prefer to walk away from it im not a violent man at all
i love to hellp where i can but my health stop's it